Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Visitor's Guide to London Heath Bunting, 1995

A visitor’s Guide to London created by Heath Bunting in 1995 is a unique website because in form it resembles a children’s coloring book while the title seems as though the site is going to be strictly informational. When I think of information a children’s coloring book is the last thing I think of...so the site is already interesting before you even start clicking around because you are expecting information and you are presented with child-like drawings. After you make it past the title and opening image you realize that you have the power to go to multiple places from the one picture. This is where this visitors guide is different because of it’s medium. The Internet allows the audience to decide where to go…the pathways that are available (jagged lines, person walking, letter “A”, and intersecting lines) are not exactly indicative of where you are taken next. It’s kind of a surprise! Unlike a traditional map or book, the website allows you to explore London in a new order and way every time you visit the site. I also think it is interesting how the artist uses black and white images to represent an old place while using a medium that allows for such vast interaction and many different color combinations.

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